Alexander von Humboldt Lecture - Prof. Tonino Griffero

Former Chapel in the Bergmanianum, Houtlaan 4, Nijmegen
30 september 2019 - 17:30
30 september 2019 - 18:45

Prof. Tonino Griffero, Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Italy 

'Genoa for us': Urban atmospheres and felt-bodily resonances


The urban atmosphere is the polysensorial-amodal “skin” of the city. Inspired by a pathic aesthetics and the New Phenomenology, but also freely using here a Paolo Conte’s song (quoted in the title) as an example, my lecture focuses on the aesthetic-phenomenological notion of “atmosphere” and its key-role in architecture and urban life. It aims, first of all, at investigating what the immersive impression of a city consists of, secondly at de-axiologising the notion of urban atmosphere in order to better understand what its “authority” is, thirdly at explaining on which form of felt-bodily communication and resonance it is based. It would be necessary, finally, to criticize the usual idea according to which an urban atmosphere must necessarily mean either an organicistic familiarity or an avant-garde subversion of the social space.

Extra events

  • Tuesday, 01-10-2019, 12.30 - 14.15

    Lecture hall t.b.a.

    Seminar with Prof. Tonino Griffero

  • Wednesday, 02-10-2019, 10.30 - 12.15 

    Ulbo de Sitter room, ground floor of the Elinor Ostrom building, Heyendaalseweg 141, NL-6525AJ Nijmegen

    Research colloquium of researchers of Radboud University, and Wageningen University, presenting their work to Prof. Tonino Griffero