Conference: The Fair Share?

MartiniPlaza, Groningen
6 maart 2020 - 09:00
6 maart 2020 - 18:15

The world around us is constantly changing which is leading to not only winners but also losers. These developments and differences are visible on different spatial scales. An interesting example are the urban areas in the Netherlands. Starters on the housing market have almost no chances to find a new place here and there is less and less room for the car in the inner cities.
These questions are relevant in the Netherlands as well as on a more international scale. Certain regions in the Netherlands are having trouble with a decline in population for years now, while the Randstad is experiencing a rapid growth. The northwestern part of Europe has been flourishing economically the past few decades, while eastern Europe has been stagnating. How are we dealing with these issues?

As planners and geographers it is of great importance to acknowledge these issues and see the challenges they bring. During the 23rd Geo Promotion conference on March 6th 2020 we will tackle these issues and give them the attention they deserve under the theme 'The Fair Share? Managing spatial differences'. During this conference students, professionals, and academics will receive interesting insights on how to manage these spatial differences. The conference will take place in MartiniPlaza.